This is the third part in a beginning chord guitar series
and builds on the chords that you have already learned (Chords G, C, G7 & D7). If you are unfamiliar with these chords, then I’d recommend checking out the first two posts in the series; “The First Seven Songs I Teach All Of My Beginning Guitar Students” and “easy songs for guitar using chords C, G & D7”
Happy Birthday
This song uses two new chords; D and A7

These two chords are great to learn together because your first and second fingers jump strings but stay on the same frets as you move from chord to chord.

This song also starts with a great fingerstyle guitar arrangement. By now, my students have also started working on Tablature and a little bit of right hand fingerstyle work. If you are new to either of these, feel free to just ignore the opening and go straight to the chords.

Midnight Special – by Creedence Clearwater Revival
This is such a fun song to play. If you haven’t heard it in awhile, be sure to give it a listen first.
This song builds on the two chords you just learned, adds eighth note rhythms, and brings back the G7 chord. Since the strum pattern is tricky; I have also included an easy strum pattern option.