Rich recently recorded a song for my band at Studio 14. I was impressed with the work he did for our recording and asked him to give my readers a lesson. This lesson will help you take your guitar playing to a new level.
In this video lesson, Rich will teach you some techniques to spice up your playing and add a little more flavor to guitar tracks or live playing. This lesson is great for someone who has been working on the minor pentatonic scale and is looking for ways to use that scale and make it sound better. A lot of my own students have started into scales and lead guitar and this type of lesson could help them definitely get motivated, improve, and sound better.
Rich and I go back about 20 years ago when we were in college together at Utah State. We both studied with the same professor Mike Christiansen and played in bands while there. He was a great player then and is still is now. I found his video enlightening and helpful for my own playing. Hopefully you will too.
C Minor Pentatonic Scale
Rich talks about the C Minor Pentatonic Scale. Here’s what it looks like:
Switching from the Minor to the Major
Another cool trick that he talks about is making a switch from the minor to major pentatonic scale. This is an easy way to make the switch and taught me something new. Both of these scales can be found on my new scale page. Here’s an image to help explain:
Whammy Bars, Vibrato & More
Lastly, Rich talks about using other methods to give your guitar playing more expression and how to make it your own. One of those methods he discusses is vibrato. Here’s an image to help explain:
What Guitar is That?
Rich is playing a PRS Paul Reed Smith SE Custom 24. I had a chance to use it to add a layer of sound to the recording we did quite a bit. I’ve been thinking of adding a new guitar to my arsenal and now this one’s on my list. The tones you can get from the guitar and its responsiveness were surprisingly good for its cost.
Our band Mothers of Mayhem had a great experience recording with Rich. Here is a video that he put together after we recorded.
Rich Bischoff is a guitarist/singer songwriter/producer/guitar instructor from Utah. Rich is known for his outstanding guitar musicianship, impressive song writing, raw vocals, and a modern sound. At age 13 using money from his paper route, Rich bought his first guitar from a Sears catalog. At age 16 he studied guitar under Utah State University professor Mike Christiansen. With over 30 years of experience with the guitar he has played in a multitude of bands in Northern Utah including Animation, Brother Sage, The Wind River Band, GearHead, The Moment, Red Shot Pony, Stone Road and Hearts of Steele. Rich currently plays with the Quinn Brown Project, The Afu Fighters and Rich Bischoff Trio. He is involved in other side projects, including teaching private guitar lessons, solo performances and running his recording, Studio 14.
Like the way Rich teaches? Follow his social media links to get updates & find more:
Looking for more lessons?
If this lesson was helpful for you, you might want to try out my lesson on fingerpicking patterns.